The Ginger House Museum presents the exclusive sale of two Fancy Feet 20" tall porcelain dolls by famous doll maker Linda Lee Sutton. These are the final two in a series of seven and no more will be made.
The dolls were fashioned after Ginger Rogers, who sat for Linda at her home in Oregon. This is the only doll ever made of Ginger Rogers that Ginger approved of, however, Ginger passed just before providing official written approval to use her name, therefore, only the name Fancy Feet Ginger Doll can be used.
Only seven of these dolls will be made. Each of the dolls is made with a different color gown, so you will truly have a one-of-a kind doll.
Each doll comes in a box and has a stand and certificate.
Each doll is handcrafted by Linda Lee Sutton. The doll, including the head, arms and legs are porcelain and are movable. the hair and dress are also hand made by Linda.
$1,500.00 per doll includes shipping to your door in the U.S.
Only one per person, please.
Call 1-816-833-1602 or email
The Artist: Linda Lee Sutton
Linda Lee Sutton
In 1983 Linda Lee Sutton, a surgery technician nurse, wanted to learn the art of antique doll reproduction, and to make the old-style master dolls that were made at the turn of the century. She was invited to attend a class by Theo Menzenbach, a third-generation master sculptor, and on the third day he told her she was a natural and would do well in the art of sculpting dolls. Linda believes that the fact that she was a surgery technician nurse likely helped. She attended many seminars over a 15-year period in Seattle, New York, California, Canada and other locations. Linda would make two of the same doll, selling one to make money to go to the next seminar. She also attended wig making classes to learn the art of wig creation for her dolls.
Each doll is a study in itself. She has made approximately 125 different sculpted original dolls and limits the number of the same design to five to twenty. Linda has received several awards from the international Toy Fair in Manhattan, New York, where she displayed samples. Her dolls have appeared on the covers on three magazines, and she has written articles for magazines on the art of doll construction. Linda made several for F&B dolls for children, but they ended up as collector pieces.
Linda met with Ginger Rogers and created a doll after her likeness. This doll is the only one ever made that was approved by Ginger Rogers. Unfortunately, Ginger passed prior to finalizing the agreement, so the name of the doll is “Fancy Feet”. One doll, #3 in a red gown, is in the Ginger House Museum. Linda is making only seven of these dolls, each with a different color gown.
Porcelain likeness of Ginger Rogers in a one-of -a kind pink gown. Comes with a certificate of authenticity. Also comes with a program for Ginger Rogers written by Lela Rogers and a postcard from the museum. Shipping included in the U.S.
Porcelain likeness of Ginger Rogers on a one-of-a-kind gold and pink gown. Comes with a certificate of authenticity. Also comes with a program for Ginger Rogers written by Lela Rogers and a postcard from the museum.Shipping included in the U.S.