Thank you to the following persons who contributed to the project. We really appreciate your help!
Friends of the Museum
Donna Soetaert
Sherry Moore
Tamie Dorsch
Gloria Fetter
Jamyi Thompson
Frank Kithcart
Terri Padgitt
Richard Soetaert
Alice Brink
Phillip Thomas
Cynthia Thomas
Marie Duerksen
Alex Rescher
Mike Thompson
Lowell Crow
Jennifer Krigbaum
Heather Forbush
Megan Robinson
Vivian G. Miner
(museum items)
Maria McKenzie
(museum items)
Tamie Dorsch
(Museum Items)
Independence Young Matrons (Tiny houses)
Gloria Rendon
(Hat and other museum items)
Christine McDonald
(Cash and a gown Ginger wore)
Joanne Carlson
(Ginger Rogers shoes, a letter, & more)
Pat Delap
(Silent auction donations)
Helen Padgitt
HearthMasters, Inc. crew
Gene Padgitt
(General Contractor -Most of the work on the house)
Roberta Olden
(Items owned by Ginger Rogers-gowns, prints, shoes, and more)